Friday 24 November 2006

The other evening a group of four of us left work at the same time and crossing the road outside, passed by a poorly parked car. When I say poor, I mean it was bad. When I say bad, I mean awful. Appalling in fact. The front wheel was maybe a foot and a half from the kerb, whilst the back had to be at least three. It amazed me that it had sat there on the busy roadside and remained in one piece, but I digress.

In order to set the scene maybe I need to explain who was in the group. Out of the four of us, we contained (in no particular order):-

2 Males
2 Females (go figure...)
2 Heterosexuals (At least)
1 Homosexual (maybe one more)
1 Sexual Unknown (they probably know, but I don't, and if I seem to be obsessing with labels here, hang on in - it might make sense later. Maybe)
3 White
1 Afro-Caribbean
2 Atheists (Minimum)
2 Religious beliefs Unknown

So that's the scene - Just the 16 of us, and perhaps an owl hooting in the light of the full moon. Fill in the details yourself, if you can be bothered - I can't. By the way, I'm the one at the back wearing combats, Doc Martins; white, straight atheist male. Overall, quite a diverse group for only four random work colleagues.

Anyhow, as we passed this car one person (J- black and female) stated jokingly,

Bet that was parked by a bloke!

A few seconds of thought later I felt compelled to remark that this was a rather sexist thing to say. She answered that it was true.
But it's sexist! It's playing to a prejudice! How 'bout if I'd said - Bet that was parked by a black!

(Too far? Probably. OK, definitely. But that was the point.) Gasps from all round, and general disbelief that I could say such a thing. But, never one to back down, I continue:-

Ok. What about - Bet that was parked by a Christian?

(Except Atheist, who was trying not to laugh)

YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! You can't say that? Why? Clearly, in today's über-politically correct society you cannot state (certain) opinions about (certain) groups without coming across as a prejudiced bigot.

I personally would have been offended if I’d overheard someone making a comment similar to the “black” version above (I had to find J the next day and ask her whether I had offended her as I could not sleep that night for worry that I had done so). I would have been similarly offended if “black” were to be replaced by “gay”, “Jew” or “Muslim”. In fact, I was going to say Muslim when I was asking the Christian version, but even I faltered at that one after all the recent uproar over something as trivial (to me) as a whether someone can or cannot wear a veil. However, I think that I would be hard pressed to find someone would honestly, truly, be offended by the original “bloke” version.

Of course, if the gender roles had been reversed to a guy making a comment about the driving skills of a girl we would be straight back into causing offence territory…

(Even my computer is telling me that the previous paragraph is politically incorrect – it wants me to change the word guy to person! Interestingly though it has no similar problem with girl…)

It would seem that something fundamental is happening to the values that we can hold and express.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my thoughts on this matter are completly insubstantiated and are opinion and conjecture (in other words if anyone plans to get offended, go take a long walk off a small pier)
to go with the flow i am...

right that done, onwards.

the democracy in which i live is completly obsessed with the protection of the so called minority groups, and part of the protection of these groups is the ideology of political correctness, no longer can one bully any group smaller than the one they themselves belong to for that would not be PC.
now when such a position as this occurs it rapidly includes all minorites and makes them exempt from any and all criticism and society activly attempts to avoid such criticism (however deserved or not)and to make the minority position better (so much so that the rights of the minorities actually succeed over those of the majorities when perhaps they should not.)
now this means that you can no longer say " i bet a girl/black/jew/muslim/railian parked that" because it would be derogitory to a minority group and in particular cases highly persicuted or held back groups (in the past). human nature though likes to slag off people and so we need a group that it is acceptable to have a go at. and so we turn on the group which historically has had all the power. essentially that of the caucasian male.
caucasian males throughout western history have been the head honchos, the rulers and doo-ers,the holders back and bullies. which means they are ripe for picking on because "they deserve it", such as recently tony blair was under pressure (no problem so far) to apologuise for the slave trade as if somehow the sins of the father (as it were) are passed on to the son. i too have felt this tarring.
i have held/bought/sold no slaves. ergo i have no need to say sorry for the trade, as much as i understand and agree it was wrong, it simply isnt my bag to carry. the past is the past. learn from it, remember it, and move on
anyway, i digress...
the white male, having had (and still having in many cases) the top position is the only group where you are not persicuting the small person or a minority.
this is why you can state that a man (emphasis on white) has been somehow useless or wrong but can not do similar with virtually any other group.
this however does not make it right or indeed ethical to do so and is more to do with a wish to 'get even' and 'have a go at'. such as with militant feminists who proclamed a wish for equality but who actually wanted a slightly better deal than men 'to make up for the past' but that this better deal would be for inperpetuity.
so in brief caucasian males are an acceptable scapegoat due to there historical position as top dog whereas most other groups are exempt from similar scapegoating due to the modern phenomena of political correctness
any thoughts on this???